In Progress


  • Originally created for IGDA's Summer Game Jam 2021, Cryptids is a first person horror survival game created by 5 rookies in the Game On Skill Up mentorship program.

    3 of us decided to keep developing the game during our time in the mentorship program.

Winner email


IGDA Summer Game Jam 2021 had the theme "Summer Dreams". We brainstormed ideas and settled on a horror aspect of the theme.


Cryptids is a first person horror survival game. The player takes the role as "Professor Z", whose goal is to prove the existance of monsters. The setting is a large but closed camp area, during a dark summer night.

My roles
  • UX & UI design
  • Prototyping & testing
  • Game & level design
  • Concept ideas
  • GDD documentation
  • Story & game writer
Lo-fi prototype in figma

Low-fi prototype

mid-fi prototype in figma

Mid-fi prototype

Stylesheet mid-fi

Stylesheet mid-fi

hi-fi prototype in figma

Hi-fi v1 prototype

hi-fi prototype in figma

Hi-fi v2 prototype

Stylesheet hi-fi

Stylesheet hi-fi

UI button versions

Different highlighted buttons


Journal page


During this project I had the possibility to focus on UX & UI design, as well as story, game and level design, which allowed me to test the concept and interface before implementation.

Four iterations

During the summer jam I created a lo-fi, mid-fi, and hi-fi version 1 & 2. I interviewed and tested on 6 people after each iteration, which led to the changes in the UI.

I tested the concept, UI, logo, story, writing, and controls.

Test result highligts


  • + 6/6 thought the controls were natural
  • + 6/6 could navigate the menus

  • - Some thought the items were abilities


  • + 6/6 navigated menus with no problem
  • + 6/6 liked the story
  • + 6/6 understood the goal of the game
  • + 6/6 could switch between items
  • + 6/6 thought the game atmosphere was horror/scary/mystery

  • * Most thought the story was scarier than the intro screen

  • - Some wanted to change to next intro scene themselves, instead of after delay
  • - One person accidentally skipped the intro by pressing ESC
  • - Most thought the game would be a cute game when they saw the font, the working title "monster snap", and the main menu graphics

Hi-fi v.1

  • + Most understood the controls
  • + 6/6 enjoyed the journal
  • + 6/6 liked the menu options
  • + 6/6 preferred the same logo, nr 11

  • - Confusing night vision control
  • - Some didn't know how to change between items (we had removed UI symbols)
  • - Some didn't know the journal existed
  • - Some could not find the objective
  • - Some didn't understand "LMB" in the controls (meaning "Left Mouse Button")

Hi-fi v.2

  • + 6/6 could easily interact with the controls
  • + 6/6 could change between items (we added UI symbols)
  • + 6/6 understood the tutorial
  • + 6/6 could navigate the menus
  • + 6/6 preferred these UI buttons
  • + 6/6 understood the objective of the game
  • + 6/6 remembered that the journal existed and used it

  • * Most voted for the name "Cryptids", "In Testimonio", and "CryptoPhoto"

  • - Some thought the journal ended at "more coming soon"-text
  • - Most thought the flower tape in the journal was too cute
  • - Some didn't see the navigation arrows in the journal Immediately
  • - Some tried "F" for flashlight before "1"
  • Rearranged the journal content
  • Changed the tape in the journal
  • Made the arrows more visible in the journal
  • Added alternative bindings

The main hub where you report proof


Low poly 3D environment

3. Development

During the development I actively worked with the programmer and artist to brainstorm solutions and suggestions, and then test our assumptions on non-team-members.

I worked in Unity with the terrain tool to create suggestions for the map, including creating memorable enviromental structures, objects, and signs. Unfortunately we didn't have time to incorporate the map before the game jam was over.

"The atmosphere was set well, with the ominous music, mist and fonts"
- Julia Kenny, SEGA

"It was very atmospheric"
- Mattias Wiking, Turborilla

"Best performing of the Rookies PC"
- Paradox

"It is a great dark and atmospheric game"
- Jacki Vause, Dimoso

"Really well made horror game. Love the sound and visual effect and also the theme of finding monsters"
- Taewon Yun, Super Evil Megacorp

"(...) the eerie mystery is quite well done."
- Martine Spaans, Tamalaki

Positive feedback from Game Jam Judges

Game Jam Judges Positive Feedback

Not only has it got the highest production quality of the three, it also has a unique mechanic, lore and has lots of atmosphere. One could argue this is the most accomplished title of the three in this category

— Bobby Wertheim, Curve

The game is definitely the most visually striking out of the ones we reviewed. ...

The cross of horror elements and dark and dreary environments are well fitting, everything from the UI to the pages feels like it is part of the game even the drawings fit into the scene well. For a Game Jam I'm pretty blown away with how well this has been executed. All together I felt pretty immersed in the world. The attention to detail is very on point and the game is quite obviously inspired by Phasmophobia but that's not a bad thing at all. I really do feel like it's executed very well.

Read more
— Chris Pett, Kwalee

Though I am a coward for horror games, I found the concept compelling! ...

A monster hunting game where the player is unarmed and must capture photos of the creatures. Though it is singleplayer, it captures some of the feel of Phasmophobia -- which seems like a very good idea for a project, since single-player monster-hunting experiences are not a very crowded market at the moment!

Though I am a coward for horror games, I found the concept compelling! Audio is effective -- the creature makes several types of sounds, and when it notices you, there’s a strong alert sound. Allows the player to use audio as well as visuals for tracking the beast, which is important in this low-light setting.

Good use of graphics to evoke horror--though the game is graphically fairly simple, the setting/arena is unusual and the team made good decisions about how to spend their art efforts to create a sense of dread. The loop of photographing the beast in order to earn money and unlock more gear seems like a powerful loop that could drive a lot of continued engagement and experimentation from the player. It’s a wise choice!

Read more
— Leanne Loombe, Riot


Camera view with a monster

Camera view and a monster

Night vision mode with a monster in the camera view

Night vision


    During Game Jam:
  • Teach the team about the UX methods and why it's worth following it's guidelines
  • Communicate how much time you can give
  • Decide way of working principles
  • Keep the GDD updated
  • Build an earlier version of the game, in case Unity crashes on the submission day... :)
Future development ideas
  • Fix the bugs
  • Complete the game loop with a "finish mission sequence" where the player can gain money from the photo proof and purchase upgrades
  • Create a map with more recognizable environment and objects to help the player navigate
  • Create a minimap or navigation system
  • Add more visual feedback for actions taken
  • Incorporate more storytelling into the environment and possible actions
  • Add storytelling through the radio
  • Add a sound designer into the team
  • Make the safe area feel more naturally safe
  • Playtesting sessions when bugs are fixed

    Current team:
  • Amanda Alling Andrén
  • Yousra Ramdhana Jlali (programmer)
  • Laura Marian (logo & level design)

  • Game Jam team:
  • Amanda Alling Andrén
  • Yousra Ramdhana Jlali (programmer)
  • Laura Marian (logo & level design)
  • Sol Barreto (Nessie animations)
  • Peter N Rieseng