Swing Speed Radar Homepage
Case Study

Swing Speed Radar

  • Swing Speed Radar is an app that makes perfecting your golf skills fun for ambitious golfers.

    My role was to facilitate, interview, prototype, test, and design gamification and visuals. I collaborated with four other students.

    We were happy to see that the client WatchItGolf implemented our solutions into their app in their next update!

    Contact me if you want to try the prototype or read the sprint report.


We started by summarizing the brief, interview the client WatchItGolf, and defining the target audience.

The Brief

Create a solution to convert non-paying customers into paying customers, while exploring the potential for gamification in the app.

Target Group

Already existing customers: "The Ambitious", since they would be most inclined to be attracted to the gamification of the app because of their competitive nature.

Client meeting

We had a meeting with WatchItGolf and prepared the Value Proposition Canvas, as well as the Current Customer Journey, in order to scope down and define the MVP of the sprint.

WatchItGolf logo

Analyze, measure and compete against other golfers

MVP canvas template

We filled out an MVP canvas with the client

How Might We-post its

Generating HMW-questions to decide on the sprint questions

My quick concept sketches

My quick concept sketches of the gamification

  • Expert Interviews
  • How Might We
  • Long Term Goal
  • Sprint Questions
  • Mapping
  • Lightning Demos
  • 4-Part Concept Sketching
Expert Interview & How Might We-questions

During the Expert Interview, the team took notes in the style of HMW-questions, which we then sorted according to patterns and interesting ideas. We dot voted on the three most relevant HMW-questions.

Voting on the Long Term Goal

"In 2 years, we will have more paying customers than free customers".

Sprint Questions

We then wrote and voted on "Can We"-questions that we needed to answer to fulfill the long term goal. These were turned into the Sprint Question, which we aimed to answer at the end of the sprint.

"Can we make people pay if they already have the free version?"
"Can we use gamification to gain paying customers?"
"Can we become a part of the golf experience?"


We continued with the User Journey Mapping, a way to understand how our target groups use the app today and help us decide what vital part of the app we should focus on. It illuminates pain points and helps us identify opportunities to create a better user experience.

Lightning Demos

Together Alone, we researched other apps and services to gain inspiration and other approaches to the problem. We then presented the demos to each other and took notes on great ideas.

4-Part Concept Sketching

The last part of the day was the 4-Part Concept Sketching. We wrote down ideas we found interesting for the prototype, doodled during a time limit, combined ideas, and did a rough sketch of the prototype. We continued with Crazy 8's, quick 1-minute sketches, which allowed us to explore multiple solutions fast.

We finished with Solution Concepts, where everyone creates a whole solution to the problem, step by step. We waited until day 2 to present the concepts to each other.

  • Dot voting on solution concepts
  • User Test Flow
  • Storyboard

We started by dot voting on the Solution Concept sketches, and the Decider chose the top 3 concepts we should focus on in the app.

User Test Flow

Moving on, each team member created a flow of the way we wanted the user to interact with the app, and then we voted on a flow and a Wildcard Concept.


With the User Test Flow & Wildcard in mind, we created the Storyboard. It's a visualization of the User Journey, and it helped us find the most important parts of the users' interaction with the app. We chose the top 3 frames to focus on.

Concept gallery

5 detailed concepts and the storyboard

4 hi-fi prototype frames

Integration of gamification in the app

  • Planning the prototyping and interviewing script
  • Unblocking teammates
  • My prototype roles:
    • Realistic Text Writer (making it believable)
    • Stitcher (making it seamless)
Prototyping & Preparing

I started everyone up by helping them get into their roles for the day. I also checked in with them now and then to encourage them, and to see if they needed unblocking.

Realistic Text Writer

I did a lot of research to make sure the test users would not be thrown off by the weird numbers (like handicap, swing speed, carry, etc) or wording (like challenge names, tips, etc). During the test, we got comments that it was very relevant information.


When I was finished with the text, I checked in with the prototypers and helped them along by creating frames. I added all the realistic texts and numbers in the already created frames. After that, I stitched the prototype together by making sure the assets matched and put the frames into one cohesive flow.

  • User Testing Interviews
  • Note Taking
  • Pattern & Insights Sorting
  • Discarding Inaccurate Assumptions
User Testing

During the test interviews, the team took notes on any feelings, hesitation, reactions, and comments that would be useful to create a better prototype.

We had 5 testers, in the age range of 19-32, both male and female. They all fit the target audience description.

Sorting Patterns & Insights

After the tests, we could sort the comments and insights into three feelings: positive, negative, & neutral. We were happy to gain confirmation that all the testers were positive about the experience of the app and our main feature.


We could discard the Wildcard idea due to the test results, which proved that it was superfluous and an incorrect assumption.

Quite nice!

Fun (...)!

Felt good (...)!

Feedback from test users

Post-its with trends after user testing

Trend sorting after the user testing

This was great!

Your work gave us a better understanding on how to implement the hook we need, to get more paying customers

Feedback from the client

Prototype vs implemented solutions

Top row: our prototype. Bottom row: the clients implementation.

  • Answering the Sprint Questions
  • Client Recommendations
  • Sprint Report Review & Structure
  • Positive Client Feedback

As the facilitator, I answered our sprint questions and wrote five recommendations for the client. I kept the user tests in mind while doing this, and felt confident in our solution to their brief.

I structured the extensive Sprint Report, proofread, and added any relevant information the documenter might have missed. We presented the client with 26 pages of insights and solutions.

Pitch & Client Feedback

After our pitch, we were delighted to receive feedback that the client was satisfied with the results, and our work on how to incorporate gamification and increase the paying customer base! WatchItGolf said that:

  • They will implement our solutions into the app
  • We gave them a great foundation to create communication with their users
  • They were impressed that we researched and gained an understanding of the game and that it resulted in reliable conclusions
Client Implementation

We were happy to see that the client implemented our solutions into their app in their next update!

  • Trust the process
  • Team spirit generates creativity
  • You learn a lot by being curious
  • Don't ignore breaks
Constructive Feedback

The team evaluated the sprint and exchanged feedback. I was extremely happy to be part of this team. We had loads of fun, all while being productive!

You're always structured, organized, and prepared, which is why you're a good facilitator!

Your facilitator-ship was fantastic. You have adapted to all the challenges, you're comforting, great at keeping the schedule, and have good communication skills.

Clear communication, logical leading, and structure.

You're great at keeping us on time and putting superfluous discussions on pause.

Feedback from my team

  • Amanda Alling Andrén (facilitator)
  • Marko Ilic (documenter, prototyper)
  • Beatrice Ferrera (decider, interviewer)
  • Lina Elggren (interviewer)
  • Elliot Dobetzky (prototyper)
Want to know more?

Contact me if you want to try the prototype or read the sprint report.